
Ota Atsushi

Driving, cars (catalog collection), reading book (world history)
Architect ( 一級建築士), Construction Management Engineer specializing in architecture, civil and electrical engineering (施工管理技士- 1 級:建築/土木/電気) and Residential Land Broker Real Estate (宅地建物取引士)


My motto is “Kindness and Honesty”.
We do our best to accommodate customer requests and if any impediment arises, we will give an honest explanation of why.
In addition to new builds and renovations, in recent years we have also dealt with external works and installation works (electricity, air conditioning, lighting), so contect us to talk about any work needs.
Although we are a small company, we aim to become a company that delivers originality and ingenuity, rather than being “more of the same”. Our materials such as quotes and project drawings are designed to be “easy to understand” without using too many technical terms.

Ota Yoshihiko

Pet (dog), alcoholic drink (anyone)
Professional Training Instructor(職業訓練指導員), Carpenter Technician (大工技能士)


I founded the company YOSHIKEN GIFU when I was 38 years old.
I handed over the role of representative director to my son, but as a founder and craftsman, I am proud to say that I still have many things I can work on.
Compared to the old days, the performance and structure of buildings have evolved a lot. On the other hand, the amount of manual work has decreased and it is increasingly rare to find artisans who can do personalized, complex and meticulous work.
I hope you can also appreciate the good part of the “a little old” techniques through our works.

Ota Mariko

Travel, gastronomy
Nissho Accounting (日商簿記2級)


I am the representative director’s mother. I usually do the bookkeeping and lunch on the second floor of the office.
I’ve been making budgets since the days of the floppy disk (ancestor!), when computers didn’t have a USB port or cloud services.
I leave most of the work to Sato, but if you see a round-faced aunt showing up in the middle of meetings, that’s me.

Sato Ikumi

make sweets
Nissho Accounting (日商簿記1級), Zenkei Accounting (全経簿記上級), Computer Skill Exam (全商コンピュータ利用技術検定1級)


YOSHIKEN GIFU company has friendly staff, and the workplace also has a pleasant atmosphere.
We value the work of each of our customers, meeting as many of their requests as possible with flexibility.
I believe it is a differentiated service compared to the big companies.
I myself once requested the installation of air conditioning at home, and even with the difficulty of the location not being favorable for the work, they were very kind and attentive regarding the situation and I managed to finish the installation safely!


VALORANT (PC game), listening to comedian radio


I am responsible for assisting in the project, mainly drawing the plan.
Lately I have been doing the work of delivering documents to clients, visiting the construction site and, sometimes, participating in meetings to support the president who is always busy.
Here at Yoshiken we are always close to our customers and putting first place in delivering the ideal result to the customer.
We will be happy to answer any questions or problems, so feel free to contact us!

Priscila Mika

Outdoor, games, studying languages
Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1


I’m Brazilian Nikkei. In Japan, most construction and renovation services are only available in Japanese, so interpreters are essential for foreigners who continue to live in Japan. With the feeling of “compassion” to provide services to the increasing number of foreigners, not only in Gifu, but also in the Tokai region, I work at Yoshiken Gifu to serve you with greater pleasure.