Frequently questions

We will answer the most frequently asked questions about Yoshiken – Work and Construction

Is it okay to be a small work?

Yes, count on us. Below are some examples of completed projects:
Replacing just the door handle, replacing a glass, adjusting the frame, sealing the gaps in the external wall (one part), galvanized sheet replacement, etc.

Is it possible to request a quote without doing the on-site inspection?

Depending on the situation it is possible, but we recommend a local survey for an accurate calculation of the value.

Can I live while renovating?

It is possible. We have the experience of renovating the plumbing, with the installation of a temporary kitchen, toilet and shower to continue living during the work.

Is it possible to take out a loan for renovation?

Yes. We also have loans with low interest rates and long terms compared to other companies. Talk to us for more details.

I would like to renovate along with the purchase of an old house. Can I ask for a quote when visiting the

It is possible. However, we recommend that you inform the real estate agent that we will be present at the visit.

I live in Gifu, but can I request the work in another province?

It is possible depending on the request.
The maximum distance is about 1 hour via expressway, so please contact us first.

Can I request a gravel floor for the site?

It is possible. We specialize in external structures too, so feel free to contact us.

To obtain after-sales service for the installation, should I call the manufacturer directly?

No, as you may need the serial number and model of the product, so contact us first.

I want to renovate, but it will be a lot of work to clean the room.

We can present services that can provide adequate support, such as moving furniture and separating garbage.